Wednesday, December 30, 2015


A Shaolin monk partaking in some transcendental flame transferal, for the latest Character Design Challenge.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


This is my version of Poseidon for the last Character Design Challenge. I went for a design that was slightly more animalistic/ alien.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Zbrush sculpts

In the early stages of learning Zbrush. Having fun, but still alot of technical 'best practices' to become familiar with. Onward and upward!

Monday, November 2, 2015

Gargoyle sculpt

A slightly more ambitious, top-heavy sculpt which is taking quite a while to smooth out using rake tools. Still needs some horns or ears to enhance the overall appeal. Using up some standard Super Sculpey, but looking forward to moving on to new projects using the grey coloured 'Firm' edition.
My style is heavily influenced by Darren E. Marshall's candy for the eyes!

Thursday, October 22, 2015

In preparation for Dia de los Muertos, and for the latest Character Design Challenge, I've come up with a cheery Charro, back from the dead for one more round...

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Puzzle game concept

I loved dinosaurs and studying prehistory growing up, so had a shot at doing my take at a match making mobile game with a dino theme... not enough dino themes in games out there!

Private Detective

Another submission for the last Character Design Challenge on Facebook. This time being given the title 'Private Detective' to get the creative juices flowing. As usual the standard in the group is very high, and I've enjoyed contributing so far. My version features a gumshoe on the trail of an elusive gargoyle.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Travelling Circus

My latest creation for the Character Design Challenge Facebook group.
The theme was Travelling Circus, so I took the one-man-band approach
with this crazy clown. Was originally going to clean it up using vectors,
but reckoned the digital ,brush strokes gave it a more manic feel.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Bear tatoo

A friend was looking to get a bear-related tatoo, and needed some inspiration; so I did these guys to get the ball rolling.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Master Chef

Submission for the Character Design Challenge Facebook group. Working towards improving my colour and lighting skills

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Supersculpey post-bake survivor

Finally got around to finishing this guy.
Here's the pre-baking shot after some brushing with some babyoil to reduce any surface flaws ( I think I'll need more practice in this are though:

And the after shots, the white base paint does a great job of hi lighting any flaws missed during the polishing phase :/
Will try harder next time

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Sculpt update

Unlike the mad scientist in Edward Scissorhands, I've given my creation real hands... in Popeye proportions.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Super Sculpey sculpt WIP

This guy's coming along slowly, started as a Miliput base on a wire armature

Now waiting to receive his hands, hair and shoes

Monday, May 11, 2015

Fill a page

Sometimes the pages get a bit crowded... but there are still blank spaces to be invaded with ideas


Blowing the dust off the blog to upload some doodles.
Like many artists, I get an insatiable creative itch around an unattended blank sheet of paper; as a result I have many of these pages lying around, and thought sharing a few on a reasonably regular basis would be best.
They're pretty much drawn freehand without an underlying sketch or planning